People have
visited my page!
Yes, it's true! The Archive still lives and is undergoing redesign!
Hello Crown fans! I'm going to be redesigning the whole
site, I've gotten quite good at FrontPage2002 to make this look great!
It'll be mostly an all photo archive, up to the free 20 megs.
Bus Links:
My Dream Bus, nope haven't found it yet!

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Disclaimer: All
content ©2004CrownCoachArchive/BusladyofSoCal. Information provided in
this site is not official, but attempts are made to be accurate as
possible. Do not take photos without permission of the Buslady.
Crown News:
1932 Crown Spotted! The original Supercoach rediscovered! Photos
soon! |
My main site, my TMNT site: The Raphael
Shrine |